Welcome, Bem-vind@, Croeso! I’m Andreia and here you can find more about my work, research, and science in general. You’ll also find more on Science Communication, Public Engagement and how to get crafty with science.
What is Science?

Science (English)
[uncountable] knowledge about the structure and behaviour of the natural and physical world, based on facts that you can prove, for example by experiments

Ciência (Português)
Conjunto de conhecimentos fundados sobre princípios certos. Saber, instrução, conhecimentos vastos

Gwyddoniaeth (Cymraeg)
Gwybodaeth am strwythur ac ymddygiad y byd naturiol a ffisegol, yn seiliedig ar ffeithiau y gallwch eu profi, er enghraifft trwy arbrofion.
I am a Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences passionate about inclusivity, science communication, and aquaporins. I am interested digital education and innovative teaching methods, and how to crafting can help in an education setting. In terms of scientific research, I work on understanding the tumour microenvironment and how this helps tumours grow, with a special focus on aquaporins. Besides being an educator and scientist, I am also a crafter and want to bring a creative side to science and research. Hence, I started the public engagement project Science Stitches – Communicating Science through Fashion. This project has branched out to a research project, looking at how crafting helps the mental health of medical undergraduate students. I am a project manager for Portuguese (language) in Wales for the Native Scientist initiative, where we bring science to migrant or second-generation children in their own language. You can find out more about me and all these projects by following the links below.

Want to find out more about my research interests and what kind of science I do? In addition, you can find my latest publications.

Science Stitches
Science Stitches is a Wellcome Trust-funded Public Engagement Project, aiming at raising awareness for cancer prevention as well as sustainable fashion.

Here you can find more about my Public Engagement and Outreach activities, as well as Science Communication resources.
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